Students expelled from school for posting criticism on the facebook.
            Five students have been expelled from their senior high school in Porbolinggo, East Java, for lambasting school authorities on social networking site facebook.
            One of the students, Mega Ayu Karonia, has now enrolled in another school, but acknowledges that she remained traumatized about going to school.
            “I still feel ashamed because, I carry the stigma of being dismissed from school for what they say are serious violations. I didn’t have malicious intentions to word the teacher at school.
I only in tented to express my protests, which have never been heeded by the school “Mega tad the Jakarta post on Thursday”
The incident began when Devi Rizki posted “The school is not responsible” at the end of July.
Devi’s comment attracted several of her friends, including Mega, Anisa Nurul Hidayah, Rosdiana Islamiati, Robby Arifin Immansyah and Hizaburrahman Geraldi.
“I’m very irritated, Hani’s helmet strap was cut by a razor just now, but there was no response from the school board is keeping quiet. The school authorities are taking no responsibility. They are stupid. The student body only likes money.
“She wrote.
Mega, Devi, Anisa, Robby and Rosdiana were dismissed by their school, state senior high SMA 2 Bojonegoro, on Aug. 9 for what the school called profanity while Hizaburrahman was suspended for several weeks.
Devi’s father, Sunadi. Said the school principal had demanded that Devi and her friends apologize through facebook of face being charged under the information technology and electronic transaction low, which carries a possible 6 year prison sentence and fines of Rp. 1 billion (US$ 112,000)

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Siswa dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena posting kritik di facebook.
Lima mahasiswa telah diusir dari SMA mereka di Porbolinggo, Jawa Timur, cercaan otoritas sekolah di facebook situs jejaring sosial.
Salah satu siswa, Mega Ayu Karonia, kini telah terdaftar di sekolah lain, tetapi mengakui bahwa dia tetap trauma tentang pergi ke sekolah.
"Saya masih merasa malu karena, saya membawa stigma karena diberhentikan dari sekolah untuk apa yang mereka katakan adalah pelanggaran serius. Saya tidak memiliki niat jahat untuk kata guru di sekolah.
Saya hanya di menangkupkan untuk mengekspresikan protes saya, yang tidak pernah diperhatikan oleh sekolah "anak laki-laki mega pos Jakarta, Kamis"
Insiden itu dimulai ketika Devi Rizki diposting "Sekolah tidak bertanggung jawab" pada akhir Juli.
Komentar Devi menarik beberapa teman-temannya, termasuk Mega, Anisa Nurul Hidayah, Rosdiana Islamiati, Robby Arifin Immansyah dan Hizaburrahman Geraldi.
"Saya sangat kesal, tali helm Hani dipotong oleh pisau cukur hanya sekarang, tapi tidak ada tanggapan dari dewan sekolah adalah menjaga tenang. Pihak sekolah mengambil tanggung jawab. Mereka bodoh. Para mahasiswa hanya menyukai uang.
"Dia menulis.
Mega, Devi, Anisa, Robby dan Rosdiana telah diberhentikan oleh, SMA negara mereka SMA 2 Bojonegoro, pada 9 Agustus untuk apa sekolah disebut senonoh sementara Hizaburrahman diskors selama beberapa minggu.
Devi ayah, Sunadi. Kata kepala sekolah menuntut bahwa Devi dan teman-temannya meminta maaf melalui facebook wajah dikenakan biaya di bawah teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik rendah, yang membawa hukuman penjara 6 tahun mungkin dan denda sebesar Rp. 1 miliar (US $ 112.000)